Saturday, September 1, 2012

Button Tree Canvas Art

OK... I love the Button Tree! I did this cute little button tree for my girls' room. I wanted it bright and just cheerful for them. It reminds me of what a candy tree would look like... if their were candy trees!

This is also a fun project for kids. My girls liked getting to help place the buttons on!

You will Need:
* Canvas (any size)
* Paint
* Buttons
* Craft Glue
* Paint brushes
* Pencil

Paint your canvas in the shade you want. To get the faded look just start at the top and keep blending it in. You can paint the whole thing or not paint it at all. It's up to you.

Take a pencil and draw your tree. It doesn't have to be perfect. The buttons will cover up any mistakes you may make. Drawing is not a strong point of mine, so don't look to close to my tree.

Paint your tree

Play around with your buttons, find a place you like them and glue them down. If you would like to use any buttons that have the "hook" on the back, just take a craft knife or box cutter (something with a sharp point) and make a SMALL slit where you want it. Glue the back while sticking the "hook" thru the slit you made.

When gluing your buttons down, use a craft Glue like E6000 or Craft Art. I wouldn't hot glue them. The hot glue doesn't hold well to the canvas and pops off easily. If you do dots on the back of your buttons, use a very small amount (you don't need a lot). I like to take a small flat brush and brush the glue on.

You can add hardware to hang it or ribbon. I used ribbon since it was going in the girls' room.

Here are some pictures of it hanging in their room. It was kinda hard to get a good picture. Their room has an odd angle when you first walk in.

I hope you enjoyed the button tree! They are super fun to make and very easy! Their are so many things you can do with them too. You can make them bright and cheerful or a little more sophisticated.

Happy Crafting!


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